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The Witches

Can you say . . . ?

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Mr. See Owned A Saw

Try to say . . .

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A Christmas Story

This will put a smile on your face and make you laugh.

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It seems - nobody is sure of anything nowadays that yawning was once seen as a chance of evil spirits to enter the body while the soul slipped out. So, we began covering the mouth to frustrate the to-and-fro, but that hasn’t put a lid on certain vital questions such as: Who yawns?

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People should be rewarded according to ability, not according to age and experience.

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The City of Islands

New York’s most important borough, Manhattan is an island, while Queens and Brooklyn form part of Long Island.

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Smart Pharmacist

A lady walked into a drug store and told the pharmacist she needed some cyanide.

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Dear Henrique

I just got your letter and I found the incident with Carmen hilarious. You must tell me how it ended! Congratulations on the success of your team (though I think a lot of it was pure luck). I can’t wait to see how they do in the semi-finals.

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The Old Man

When did he first come here? I don’t remember. Nobody can. The old man was already here when I arrived. And that was years ago.